There is no doubt, I'm a crazy person. Today was proof for the entire Legacy community. I hope I can do the events from this morning justice. Here goes(I'm sorry, but it takes me a lot of words to get it all out!):
Last week during the rush of the morning ritual, Hayden casually asked if she could enter our dog Sadie in the Pet Club at school. Seldom do any of my children have my full attention. Usually I can pass it off unscathed. However, my quick response of "sure, I guess" needed more of my undivided attention. In the back of my mind, I was calculating the probability that out of 700 something students with only ?% having a pet, 1 pet selected a week we would either not get selected or have a little time buffer. Not so. We won. If you want to call it that. As you recall from my previous entry, I was sick all of Sunday. The girls were sick half of Sunday into Monday. Monday morning we get a short little email from Hayden's teacher that said Hayden's name was drawn to bring her pet in Wednesday. That's it. Hmmm. "Hayden, what exactly is pet club? What time does she go and what does she do?" "I don't know". I send the teacher a short little email. "What does this mean?" I am to have the dog at school around 7:30 for her to be "showcased" on the Lion's network(a little tv program they run every morning with announcements, etc.). She would be done around 8. Great. I'm sure Ben can take care of this and still get to work at a decent time. But wait, she looks horrible. She needs to be groomed. Oh, my goodness, what about her "other" problem? I have to get personal here. Sadie went to the doctor's Friday with an odor problem. Yep, me and the boys were on it, rain and all. The vet started at the head and ended at the, well, you know. Diagnosis: infected anal gland. Wanna know the test for that? Me either. So, back to my long story. She has been on medicine and we were able to get her into the groomers for her day long, hand stripping. I must say the groomer was very excited that Sadie was chosen to go to school and even said she would make sure to check the "other" issue and make sure she smelled great. The groomer did a great job. That brings us to today. Well, almost. Back to Ben being in charge of the dog goes to school thing. Nope. He just happens to have a conference all at 8. Hmmm. I'm seeing a pattern. So we get up and do our morning ritual thing and we load up. We arrive and meet our first challenge: crossing the road full of people dropping their kids off at school with 2 toddlers, 2 backpacks, 2 girls and a dog. We make it. The lady at the front desk greets us with a big hello and then looks for backup. Smart lady. The principal comes over and shows us to a holding room. She says, and I quote," I'm glad you guys came, I didn't call you, I usually call the parents, but I didn't call you. Wow, you have a lot of kids." Are you kidding me? Um, who are you and why are you in charge of my children? She tells us we can stay in there until they start filming at 7:55. Let me help you with the math: it is 7:30, taping is at 7:55, that is 25 minutes of me, the dog, Hayden, Ally, Caleb and Joshua in a room with a desk and a chair. Got any padding lady? She turns to Hayden and says, and I quote, again, "Here is what will happen, I will introduce you, what is your name? Hayden what? Then I will give you the microphone and you can tell about your dog." She exits. Can I go too? Later, she comes back and gets us. Filming takes place in the AV room in the library -about the size of a closet. I pop a squat outside the door. She gets Hayden and Ally(Hayden very graciously lets Ally in on the filming)seated and then tells me I can come in or watch it on the screen in the library. I'll watch the screen. And lucky for me, it is book fair week. The boys were very entertained with all the books they could rip off the stands. I did ask if I could get a copy of the program and basically was told no. I have my own ideas of why, but I'll let you conjure up your own. The librarian makes her way over to me. She has her camera and wants to know if she can take a picture of the boys reaching for books for the website. Yes, let's document this. Anyways, Hayden does a great job. I wasn't sure with just handing her the microphone and letting her go if she would be too shy. And believe it or not, Ally sat quietly and smiled. So the broadcast ends and the girls make their way out. The principal asks the librarian if she can get a picture of the girls and Sadie. Apparently, she didn't charge the batteries in her camera and is having difficulty with the camera. As you can probably guess, Sadie is not sitting very still for the picture. They keep trying to get her attention by calling her name, which in turn makes her want to run over to them. The principal leaves and the librarian asks if we can do another picture. I think she was a little nervous. Finally, we get a good picture with everybody and the dog looking at the camera. We run by Mrs. Him's room to let her see Sadie. We return to the holding room and get our stuff. The girls head off the their classrooms and I head off to find a really large coke.