Thursday, May 28, 2009
Our "Manneken-pis"
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Well, I'm still not a runner.
Last year at this very same time, I was writing about my experience at the Cotton Row Run. It was 2 days ago and I'm still recovering. Let me reiterate: I hate to run. I try to exercise and get in good enough shape to make a fairly good go of it. I do not practice running. Unless, of course, it is to chase 2 little boys from harms way. I have all the gear; the specially purchased after analyzing my running pattern shoes, the discount running watch I found on the internet for Mom to buy me for Christmas, and my newly purchased, favorite article of clothing, my running bra. Again, the short version for all you that actually have things to do other than read my incredibly long blogs, I came in 92nd place in my age group of 127, 1287 out of 2000 runners at a snails finish of 40:10. If you've kept notes from last year that's about 2 minutes slower.
I popped up bright and early Monday morning in hopes of a cancellation because of a big storm hitting Huntsville. Needless to say, the weather channel did not cooperate. So, Robin, myself and her son Spencer headed down to the race. We had to stop first for a Monster drink for Spencer. I should have taken a couple of chugs. We park and again, have a nice warm up to the "runner hangout". The drink has taken its affect and Spencer is done with us. I believe it was because we are moving too slow and not because we aren't exactly in the "cool" group. We mill around and of course, Robin has to potty.
The race is about to start and we make our way into the crowd. You've got to position yourself correctly. You don't want to be run over by young boys who have had a monster drink and you don't want to run over persons that are choosing to walk the 5k. Unfortunately, I don't think we picked a good spot. It took about 30 seconds of prime race time to get the crowd moving along. We ran for the first mile and got to show our skills to Robin's family. I have no idea where Ben is with the kids - Cracker Barrel, McDonald's, Burger King, Krispy Kreme. We take it easy and walk for a little ways. I'm starting to notice big hairy guys and women who, I think in my minds eye, are bigger than me. How can they possibly be passing us? We pick it up and run a little more. We have been eating Spencer's dust for most of the race until he returns to check on us. Yes, we are still moving and no, we haven't thrown up. Ok, he can move on.
As we continue to run a little and walk a lot, I'm starting to feel like I need to get this over with. At the last turn, Robin says for me to go ahead and, as timing has it, a friend of hers has just come up from behind to join her. I take off. I finally see my family and take the opportunity to stop and catch my breath so Ben can get a picture of me. After seeing the pictures, I wished I hadn't! I decide to go all out for the finish. I am focused on the finish. The only time I look to the crowd is when I hear my Mother yell my nickname. I finish and find my family. "Girls, your on your own this year. I can't run the mile." Luckily, they each had a cousin to run with.
The kids all finish and we collect our free food, take a couple of group shots and head to the house. Of course I have a couple of funnies:
- We saw at least 3 pregnant women in this race - I think we beat the 21 week-er and "Lindsey" and her groupies. I have no idea where the 35 week-er finished, but I can only guess she was WAY behind us!
- According to Owen and Spencer, who were "traveling" with Ally, a grandma type lady, possibly in her sixties might have gotten a little fresh with Ally. Ally doesn't particularly recall the episode, but the grandma came up behind Ally and said, "Move over little kid or I'm going to run you over", and then proceeded to give Ally a little push on the back. I guess it didn't bother Ally as much as it bothers me!
- A 300 pound man was so excited about his free pizza that he cut in front of about 8 kids to get his. Hope you liked it, because even my pizza fanatics said it was nasty.
- I got to finish about 5 seconds behind a 6 year old that looked about like she was 4. Way to go me.
- My favorite article of clothing did nothing for my speed and, according to the pictures, did nothing for my looks. It does, however, feel marvelous!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Let's look at the figures.
Ally getting ready to receive her all A's medal.
Even though I no longer make money being a mathematician, I can't break the habit. I think in numbers. The girls' award ceremonies were this week. So let me explain in "figures":
0.9 - the difference between the A honor roll and A/B honor roll for Hayden
1.0 - the number of additional books Ally needed to read to receive an award for reading so many books
2.0 - the number of books Hayden needed to complete this year in Awanas to be "on course" with her peers
2.0 - the number of books Ally will need to complete next year to get the Sparky Award in Awanas with her peers
6.0 - the number of AR points Hayden needed to get the "100 AR points" award
Ben and I are very proud of the girls for what they accomplished this year. Especially with the added stress of Daddy in school. However, they felt very much defeated this week. I will accept some of the responsibility:
- I was ignorant to the way you reach goals in Awanas.
- I was oblivious to Hayden's poor test grade in Reading.
- I was misled in the AR goals.
- I was misguided in Ally's book reading.
I know, it is finished and we need to move on. And move on we will. So, here's to summer and lots, and lots of reading!
Pictures from the Awana awards ceremony
Monday, May 11, 2009
The journey of OUR EMBA.
Twin 1 year old boys and 2 pre-puberty girls: sure honey, to college you must go!
An Executive MBA from Vanderbilt he needed,
"Couldn't you have done this before kids?", I desperately pleaded.
No, the timing was now, it would help him move up the workplace ladder.
So after he was accepted, funded and taken for a shopping trip to Staples; he couldn't be gladder.
I, on the other-hand, was a little more reserved in my emotion,
I know what my life looks like with four kids in constant locomotion!
They kicked off the program in New Harmony with a week long retreat,
"Oh, we're working hard" all week to me on the phone he would repeat.
Yeah, right, I'm no fool, I can hear in the back ground,
lots of laughing and talking and goofing around!
We must persevere and complete what we've begun.
So off to Vandy every other weekend for long, strenuous days with no fun.
Back in Huntsville, four kids and a wife
were making the best of our "living with a grad student" life.
When Daddy was home, he spent a lot of time studying and on conference calls with his team,
Keeping 4 kids quiet for a 3 hour conference call on Saturday morning, I could just SCREAM!
It was a stressful 2 years filled with frustration and sometimes tears,
WE MADE IT, WE MADE IT I can shout in everyone's ears!
Graduation was Friday, the big horrendous grand finale of this lengthy event,
It was outside in what the girls described as a circus tent.
My parents and I with the kids in tow,
arrived 15 minutes early to witness the show.
Who forgot to tell the main speaker at the coliseum to cut it short?
I think they decided to start the ceremony 1 hour and 15 minutes late for sport.
I wasn't amused as I entertained 2 2-year old boys,
with nothing but me and some sticks for toys.
The girls kept their cool as they tried their best to see,
Our family have it's minute of glee.
The ceremony ended and we headed for a drink,
the place didn't have anything strong enough for Pop pop I think!
Ben joined us and I wanted some proof of us being there,
All that I can see in the photos are tears and disheveled hair(except Ben)!
I know Ben sacrificed time with his kids and me and worked really hard,
late nights, early mornings shows in our added pounds of lard.
Relax honey, enjoy time at home with me, the girls and the boys,
You can cook, do laundry, iron, settle disputes, fix toilets, clean out disposals, cut the grass and each night pick up toys!
You will have plenty of time to bond with us,
Cause I'm the one catching the next graduate school bus!
Just a final note in my lengthy rhyme,
Thanks Mom and Dad for taking the time,
to be there for me on Friday morning,
and sorry Dad, the po po should have given you a warning.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Cabin Fever
I'm not sure which is worse - potentially getting the pig flu or having cabin fever. We are on day 2 of "keep your kids at home". It is raining and this house isn't big enough for all of us.
This morning we :
- got off to an early start around 5:24 am(except Ally)
- had chocolate chip waffles for breakfast(except Ally)
- watched 2 episodes of Dora(except Ally)
- ran around with swords whacking each other(except Ally and me)
- did laundry(except Ally, Hayden, Joshua and Caleb)
- cleaned around the upstairs(except Ally)
- painted our fingernails(except Ally, Hayden and me)
- put on makeup(except Ally, Hayden and me)
It has been a busy morning for all of us (except Ally)!!
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