Friday, April 30, 2010

Misprint in "Field Day"

It has been brought to my attention that I have, in fact, blundered in my erstwhile post.

Hayden did not "throw" the basketball as noted in the caption for the first photo. She "shot" the basketball as seen by the, and I quote, " perfect placement of her hands".

Thank you, dear soul mate, for helping to identify my blunders and suggesting alternate and more accurate locution for OUR blog.

Field Day

I haven't been able to "participate" in as many school activities as my children would like, so on Ben's "off" Friday I seized the opportunity. We crashed field day. Just us. Nobody else. As if that wasn't enough, the middle school principal whom Ben and I have each spoken to once, came over, called each of us by name and mentioned she had met our daughter Hayden today. Oh, yeah, we're on her radar. I like it. Hayden, not so much.

Hayden just threw the basketball - she was one of the few that got it in the can.
She wouldn't even give me the "could you get lost" look.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Where did April Go?

I have no clue. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun.

Based on my notes in my calendar:

  • Ally had another audition. We(Ben & I ) were so excited for her to be in "Sound of Music". Based on her height, she had a good chance to play Marta (7 year old). Auditions were long. They started at 9 a.m. with singing. Ally got picked to go first. I love it. She hates it. She did great. She was asked to come back for "call-backs". We returned at 4 only to find out she wouldn't "do" anything until 6:30. She was pooped and tried her best to keep a happy face. Unfortunately, even though she was in the top 3 for the part, she just couldn't compete with a 12 year old loaded up with a Venti coffee from Star bucks. Oh, yeah, and I was THAT mother. You know, the one I always write about. Go ahead, search the internet. I'm sure there's a blog out there that tells exactly what happened.

  • Robin and I took Mom out to eat at the Melting Pot for her birthday. (Poor Jackie was too big, I mean pregnant to go) The waitress suggested we try the easiest cooking method since we didn't look like we could handle the harder ones. Really? I mean really?

  • Hayden and I went on her overnight field trip to Shiloh. I think she had a really good time and of course, Jessica and I in our "spa-mobile"had an excellent time.

  • I got to drop in on Ally and her bowling field trip. Funny. It was Ally and 4 boys in her lane. She would bowl and then one of the boys would bring her the ball for the next roll. Smart girl.

  • I went to the dentist and was told I have "excellent hygiene". See, even those on the dark side can get dental compliments.

  • Almost got a bunny for a pet. Ben noticed Sadie pawing at something in the grass and discovered a baby bunny. He thought it would be neat to show the kids. Within seconds they wanted to keep it. So after assembling a baby bunny abode, research on the internet suggested taking it back outside. We did. Mother and baby are fine. In fact, Ben announced they were "hunting" for grass yesterday.

  • Baby Dylan finally arrived. When he finally decided it was time, it was time. The girls were happy to see him, but I think the boys were very scared he was coming with us. They were glad to see Griffin.
Well, thats all I can remember or have notes about. Here are some pictures for proof:

Our bunny for 21 minutes.
Part of the Shiloh trip, well, actually this is Corinth, MS.
Baby Dylan

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Hard to appreciate the pretty background with the trash can and garage.

See, the cast matches perfectly!

My 5 guys!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Hunt.

The boys had an Easter egg hunt at school. Festivities included the hunt, playing on the playground and eating a picnic lunch. Each child was allowed to find 12 eggs until the teachers could make sure there were enough for everybody. Once I determined that our baskets wouldn't be "officially" checked I stopped counting and let the boys have at it. Just in case you wondered or needed some guidance on protocol for filling eggs with candy for a hunt involving 3 year olds:
1. Do not use loose candy like jelly beans etc. I don't know that you washed your hands.
2. Do not use jawbreakers the size of my fist. Do I need to explain?
3. Do not tape your eggs closed. I have 2 that at the exact same time in the car while I'm driving want in your government Top Secret secured egg. I'm good, but not that good.
4. Do not use chocolate. It was hot. Hot enough that one of our eggs had hot chocolate lava dripping from it, contaminating the others.