Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Trot

You would think we(Ben & me) would've learned by now.  Planned family events are hardly ever going to be those rosy, everybody loves everybody, bonding experiences.  Today's turkey trot 5K was no exception.  For $102 we got:

  • Non-stop whining
  • 1 busted knee
  • 1 blood stain on a running shirt
  • 1 strained back from carrying a 40 lb child with a busted knee
  • dirty looks from those ready to call child protection services
  • "your crazy" looks from those that couldn't believe we actually paid for all this
  • reduction of 3 years on our lifespan due to added stress
  • no "after the run" snacks since all other finishers(and their non running family members) sucked them all down
  • public humiliation of finishing just about last in our age groups, at a time bested by the average 10k'ers
  • and, of course, 6 t-shirts.

Money well spent, I say.

Needless to say, this is prior to the start of the race.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sadie is such a smart dog!

 . . . and she is going to make an A on that Science test!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Isn't she the cutest turkey!

How did you know I was talking about Ally? Yep, after all the drama lessons, the auditions, the work sessions her Daddy and I have gone to in order to get more information on how to audition well and the private singing lessons, she asked to be the turkey in her class play. Am I really surprised? Well, she did look cute and BIG THANKS to Susan and Julia who left their house cleaning undone to help me make 3 tail feather accessories. I know the nursing home residents loved the play, the singing and the handbells. Ally had no trouble talking with them and sharing the handkerchief she had made. Makes my heart smile!