Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I smell a blog!

We've really tried to spend a lot of good quality time together this Christmas.  We've had to struggle over the past year to find time together with school, kid's activities and having twin 2 year olds.  One night we took the kids to see a light display set to music at a friend's house.  He has put up the display for a couple of years and adds something new each year.  It lasts about 20 minutes long and is really neat.  We decide to stop by Starbucks and get refreshment for everyone.  Hot cocoa for the kids, a Caramel Apple Spice for me and of course, coffee for Ben.  Off we go.  You really need a spot in front of the house to get the "whole" show, but because of other "bonding families" we had to settle for around the side.  I can sense that the kids aren't really getting into it.  Ben is able to move around to the front and we let the kids out of their seats.  About 30 minutes later, after the girls have continuously argued over 2 inches of additional window space and one of the boys has tinkled from the front seat into the neighbors yard, we decide we can successfully mark this off the list of family bonding ideas.  The next morning we have the bright idea to go shopping as a family.  Thankfully, the mall wasn't crowded.  We enter, pay for a rental stroller, which by the way, if you haven't been to the mall lately, only seats one child in the "fun" car part and one up in the front of the cart.  Ally keys in on Santa.  I know Hayden isn't really interested, Ben is certainly not interested and the boys are most definitely not interested.  But in fairness to Ally, we get in line to see Santa.  I'm not really hearing anybody complain or cry so I'm thinking we might get everybody under 10 to sit with Santa.  Not so.  It's a family event.  Yep, Santa wanted me right on his knee.  You asked for it buddy, take Ben too.  We are able to successfully navigate the mall and walk away unscathed and our purchases made.  Especially good for Hayden who has been very adamant about getting her shopping done.  We tried to be very low key Christmas eve.  Christmas day was exciting.  The kids really liked what Santa brought them and even liked most of the clothes we picked out for them.  Yeah!!  We spent the afternoon at Nina's house opening presents from Pop pop, Nina and Nanny.  Robin's family was there too.  With eight kids ripping through presents it was a wild afternoon.  The kids also did a performance of the birth of Jesus.  Poor Caleb was so disappointed to find out the shepherds didn't wear Mardi Gras beads to visit Jesus . . . at least I don't think they did????  We celebrated Christmas with Ben's family on Friday.  We pretty much trashed GG's house by the end of the day.  I was sorry I didn't prepare the French Silk pie, it being her birthday and all.  If she would release that recipe, I would gladly give it my best effort!!  Saturday we washed and washed and washed and washed and packed to go to Kentucky.  We aimed for leaving around 9 and needless to say didn't make it.  We did get to our hotel and change clothes in 42 minutes from check-in to leaving for Ronnie and Lenore's house.  What a record for us!  Sunday we went to Rod and Terry's house and visited for a couple of hours.  Nothing like eating lunch with a cat also eating his fresh kill lunch.  Thank you Hayden for the continuous updates on his progress.  We headed out and after a 45 minute stop for Ally to potty and pick out a snack, we were able to make our way home.  We stopped in Nashville to eat dinner at a little pizza place that was really kid oriented but the pizza wasn't all that great.  We did get to see some kids act worse than ours though.  We've been hanging out at the house for the past 2 days.  We spent yesterday morning getting the upstairs organized.  I think we were so stunned at our progress that we haven't really tackled any other areas.  Hopefully, we can get the decorations put up before Ben starts back to school this weekend.  It has been a good Christmas, a little wild at times, but filled with lots of together time.  Hayden continues to show a greater desire to give than receive,  Ally makes note of how Jesus would feel about different actions she has seen others display and the boys are making great strides in saying Baby Jesus.  We are truly blessed.  

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