Saturday, January 31, 2009

Carnival at Legacy

My art work!

I don't have much school spirit these days.  I'm tired of being hounded for money and I'm tired of participating in activities that boost the PTO's self esteem.  However, if I like you as a my child's teacher, I will help you in whatever way possible.  Thus brings us to Ally's teacher.  I really think she and Ally mesh.  They get each other.  For some reason, Ally's class has little parental involvement.  I told her teacher early on that if she needed me for something, let me know.  I am the duty-free lunch coordinator, fun run parent volunteer, carnival face-painting volunteer lead - which brings us to today.  The carnival was today.  I had lined up volunteers for every shift ( 4 hours, 1 per hour) along with another teacher's volunteers.  I explained to the other coordinator that I would be late, so I would do shut down if she could do set up.  In a nut shell, only 1, yes 1 of my volunteers showed up.  I only spent 30 minutes with the girls walking around playing games and then I face painted the rest of the time.  Ally was ok with being on her own,  Hayden, not so much.  I was able to leave my post long enough to take Hayden to play bingo, get her nails painted, look for Ally, drop Hayden off at the cupcake walk for her to win a muffin, find Ally, and let Ally try for a chance for a muffin and succeed.  So after spending $50 on the bingo basket I was required to put together for her class, the $30 in armbands for the girls to play all the  games their little hearts desired yet they didn't, and $6 in tickets to not win at bingo, I sure hope the PTO has a warm fuzzy.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Family. By Ally Goode

My sistr is nise.  I love my sistr.  Sum tims Daddy tcls me.  I love him.  Joshwa and Calub are small.  I love them.  I hav a dog hor name is Sade.  Mom is so nise.  She loves me.

I'm guessing she saved the best for last???  She scored a 100 on this.  Student 1 -stayed on topic 2 - used complete sentences 3- used capital letters 4 - used punctuation to end sentences 5 - formed letters correctly 6 - final work was neat 7 - picture/illustration was included 8 - student used graphic organizer correctly.  I suppose spelling is taught in 2nd grade?  Another funny from the Goode family.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I've actually been kinda busy.

"Wanna smell my breath?"

Ally "going" down the court.

Hayden breaking free.

Bringing the ball down

Working on the cycle with doctor instruments.

So funny!

Well, I got scolded tonight.  I haven't updated the blog in quite some time.  I have no idea why.  Now that the holidays are over, we are getting back into our routine.  Basketball is in full swing with both teams undefeated.  Ally is very entertaining on the court.  She does not brush her teeth before games.  It is part of her defensive strategy.  This weekend she started the game by giving her opponent a quick smell to let her "see" what she was up against.  Ben may need to work on a new strategy since she didn't touch the ball once.  She did however receive 2 stars, although she had no idea what they were for.  I think one was for stinkiest breath and the other for the best run down the court . . . if you want to call it a run.  More like a skippy, hoppy, gallop, but always with a smile.  Hayden is a good level-headed player.  She is a good dribbler and passer.  Her games get a little intense.  Everybody is out to beat them and will do just about anything to try to win.  I was happy to see her team continue to use good basketball skills to prevail over fight-cat, round-top ball this weekend.  Talk about some uptight parents and coaches.  Ally has also started play practice.  She has 2 lines to say and is really taking it serious about listening and paying attention.  This just might be her thing.  Hayden has just about completed a month of piano lessons.  I think she still enjoys it since I hear her practice more than is required.  The boys are becoming more and more conversational.  They talk in phrases using sounds, gestures and words to get their point across.  They are loving  all their toys from Christmas.  They especially like to saw on whoever is sitting in the playroom.  Sadie doesn't come upstairs much anymore.  She's a smart dog!  Ben is still trying to figure out who does what on which night.  And I'm just here . . . getting in trouble for not updating the blog.