My art work!

I don't have much school spirit these days. I'm tired of being hounded for money and I'm tired of participating in activities that boost the PTO's self esteem. However, if I like you as a my child's teacher, I will help you in whatever way possible. Thus brings us to Ally's teacher. I really think she and Ally mesh. They get each other. For some reason, Ally's class has little parental involvement. I told her teacher early on that if she needed me for something, let me know. I am the duty-free lunch coordinator, fun run parent volunteer, carnival face-painting volunteer lead - which brings us to today. The carnival was today. I had lined up volunteers for every shift ( 4 hours, 1 per hour) along with another teacher's volunteers. I explained to the other coordinator that I would be late, so I would do shut down if she could do set up. In a nut shell, only 1, yes 1 of my volunteers showed up. I only spent 30 minutes with the girls walking around playing games and then I face painted the rest of the time. Ally was ok with being on her own, Hayden, not so much. I was able to leave my post long enough to take Hayden to play bingo, get her nails painted, look for Ally, drop Hayden off at the cupcake walk for her to win a muffin, find Ally, and let Ally try for a chance for a muffin and succeed. So after spending $50 on the bingo basket I was required to put together for her class, the $30 in armbands for the girls to play all the games their little hearts desired yet they didn't, and $6 in tickets to not win at bingo, I sure hope the PTO has a warm fuzzy.
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