Friday, April 17, 2009

Mickey D's

I've crossed the line -  Even for McDonald's.  I didn't have a set plan for today.  I thought I would at some point vacuum out the van(Easter grass) and possibly run by the grocery store.  Nothing in the house sounded good for lunch, so I thought I might run these errands around lunch time.  The boys played around the house for most of the morning, while I put laundry away and straightened up my bedroom.  I am trying to be a good role model and all.  The boys decided Sadie needed to go for a walk so we headed outside.  Shorts, shirt, socks, shoes, wipe faces and comb hair.  We walked Sadie/rode scooters down the street and back.  We loaded up and headed to the vacuum station.  5 minutes and 3 quarters later, I can now see the floor of the van.  I mention to the boys we would run by McDonald's and pick up lunch.  My "typical" trip to McDonald's involves the drive thru and no playground.  The boys are on to me.  I hear complaints from the back "no take home, no take home".  So of course I must ask, " Where can we take our lunch".  In the best enunciation a 2 year can muster, he replies "McDonald's".  Well of course.  You guys have seen that playground from the outside way too many times.  It's time to check it out from inside the gate.  I'm game.  We get there and head immediately outside to play.  There are a couple of "groupie" moms there and I spy my dear friend from my Publix altercation with the rocket cart.   The boys get their shoes off and take off.  They play for about 30 minutes and I decide it's time to eat.  We put our shoes on and go order.  I wanted to eat inside and then go back out to play.  However, since I wasn't ever in charge of this outing in the first place, I lose.  We go back out to eat.  The boys eat their food and half of mine in record breaking speed.  Shoes off again and they are gone.  I get our mess cleaned up and move back to the bench to free up the tables.  Did you hear me "all you other take your kids to McDonald's to eat lunch moms?".  It is common courtesy to not hoard all the tables after you've eaten. Ok, I feel better.  The boys need to go potty.  Let's go.  We get to the bathroom and there I discover my mistake for the day.  Joshua is missing an article of clothing.  Yep, underpants.  You might be wondering how on earth I could have forgotten underpants.  Well, I have no answer.  It only makes me wonder what on earth my parents and parents-in-law can expect if I'm left to take care of them.  And better yet, what payback can I expect from my own kids?  I'm only hoping the excitement of being at McDonald's for hours playing on the playground will help mask any negative effects not having underpants on might have on him!  To end a long story, we played some more after potty time and left without too much kicking and screaming.

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