Our crazy week continues as it is Vacation Bible School for our church. I am teaching 3rd grade which is Hayden's class. We have 30 in our group and the majority is boys. You would think this could lead to a very wild class, but they are a great group. They play hard at recreation time and listen well during Bible study. I need to note here that even though I am an old lady with 4 kids, I can still smoke 9 year olds in a running race! Go me! We also had one incident where a kid in my class got hurt at recreation yesterday. I had left the kids at the rec. field to go put my bag in the Bible study room. On my way, I ran into a girl in our class that was running late. I took her to join the rest of the class. As I approached the field, I noticed a boy laying in the field with 3 youth "leaders" hovering over him. I started trotting towards them and asked," Is he hurt?" Yes. I picked him up and saw that he was sobbing and had chipped his front tooth. We got him over to the VBS nurse and ride for the week. His Mom came and took him to the dentist and he was able to return today. I'm just thankful I came back to the field and found him or he could possibly still be laying there today with the 3 youth still looking at him!
I have prayed for this group many times before this week. I really felt that I needed to concentrate on the lessons instead of the "fluff" that sometimes goes along with it. I think we have several that are searching for the answers and don't really have guidance at home to help them find what they are looking for. I pray that Capshaw will keep contact with these kids and their families.
I've had a good time so far at VBS and hope that next year I won't get in trouble with the other workers like I have this year. Who knew that sitting with my class makes a bigger impression on them than standing beside them? Can we say "chill out?" I think my kids had a good time and I may have found a potential babysitter for the boys. A young girl that helped in their class has fallen in love with them and she really impresses me each day I pick up the boys. She is so calm and organized . . . unlike some of the adults in the room.
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