Wednesday, August 12, 2009

3rd Day of School

It's the best we could do. The girls are really enjoying school so far. But then again, the work really hasn't started! Hayden loves her teachers and is making new friends. Today is chapel, so we encouraged her to wear her uniform. She looked so cute. Her teachers appear to be very different in personality and style of teaching. Mrs. Carter is extremely organized and calm. Mr. Hatzell seems to be full of personality and likes to treat the class. Ally is liking her class as well. Her teacher is very nice and I think can get feisty if need be. According to Ally, Mrs. Hulsey has various "looks" such as the "stay in your seat" look. I may need to see her for some mentoring. Ally is thrilled to be in class with her friend Trevor. We thought he might have been replaced after the first day. Ally informed us she had made a new friend, but wasn't very good with his name. (She has my poor ability to remember names, if she even asked his name in the first place!) Ally reassured us Trevor was back on the top of her list yesterday afternoon. We got her hair cut for Locks of Love yesterday. She looks really cute and a little older as well. I think she was having hair-cut remorse this morning. Hopefully none of her sweet little friends will tell her she looks like a boy today. I'd hate to have to beat any children this early in the school year. The boys start school next week. Until then we will just hang out, go to Chick-fil-a to play and miss having big sisters around to play with.

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