Thursday, August 27, 2009

Back to school party

Nina hosted a "Back to School" party for the grandkids. Since I am all fun and games, I was in charge of entertaining the masses. What better way to keep 9 kids and 7 adults entertained than with school challenges. After eating way too much spaghetti, we all headed outside for the "Get Ready for School" relay. Each 4 person team had to send 1 person to each station: Get Dressed, Eat Breakfast, Brush Teeth and Pack your Backpack. My co-chair's team won. Go figure - he set up the teams. The little ones(4 under 4) got to play "drop the pencil in the jar". They were not impressed as it soon became the "place the pencil in the jar." I guess they figured their way worked much better. Next was jello. We(and I don't just mean me) thought a jello eating contest would be a lot of fun for the 4 under 4. I think Griffin had some extra coaching and finished in record time. The older kids thought it looked fun so we set them up. I am the proud parent of a 1st and 2nd place win in the jello eating contest. The Evan's family needs to practice their speed eating. Remember 75% in the mouth and 25% on your face. The next "challenge" was the memory game. We had 25 school supplies laid out for you to see for 10 seconds. You were to write down as many items as you could remember. I have no idea who won. I was too busy keeping one of our eldest participants from looking on the kids' papers. Our last, and funniest to watch, activity was the lunch eating contest. Blind folded adults fed unsuspecting kids. They had to eat a small p b &j sandwich, 6 chips, chocolate pudding, a banana and drink an apple juice. Again, I have no idea who won. I was laughing too hard and trying to appease the 4 under 4 with sugary snacks. Next year they will be included. We then got to eat cake and fruit pizza. The adults were able to enjoy most of it since the kids were full.

As you can see by the slide show it was fun had by all. Our photographer had to participate in some of the activities and apparently cannot multitask. Therefore not all of the activities were covered. Enjoy our crazy family!

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