Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Don't mess with me and my trash.

I love a lot of things. My camera is one of them. As I have admitted to my small "counseling" group that I meet with once a week at various restaurants, I have, in the past, used my camera to give proof to the things in life only pictures can prove. Yes. I have ducked down behind the steering wheel in car rider line and snapped a shot of people and activities I find humorous. It's all about sharing. I want to share with others those things I find funny.

Along with that, I want to share with others those things I don't think are very funny at all. I've become one of those people and I really don't care.

Case in point: my street after "Christmas" garbage pick up. It has become a tradition for us and a family down the street to race to our "vacationing in Florida" neighbors trash can and cram it as full as possible with all our Christmas boxes, wrap and Barbie twist ties. It was perhaps a little too full since it was as tall as Ben. However, I'm not sure how you manage to dump trash on the ground of 4 out of 5 cans on our street?

Never fear! We sent this little picture to our sanitation department and county commissioner. They were out within an hour to check it out. Unfortunately, one member of our family was worried what the neighbors would think and cleaned it up prior to the visit.

Ok, so maybe I do care that I raised a stink.

Can't wait to see what our garbage man does with us next week!

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