Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm a sucker for a sick kid . . . that has to miss a field trip.

Ally has bronchitis. Ben took her to the doctor yesterday(thanks honey)! After the doctor made his diagnosis, he explained that she could return to school tomorrow, as long as, she didn't have a fever. He also just happened to mention that she shouldn't travel out of town. Hmm. How 'bout that $10 field trip to Chattanooga tomorrow. Nope, not a good idea.

Ben explained it all to Ally over pizza buffet before he brought her home. She seemed ok with the whole thing. Now I'm not saying she played me, however, there was some mention once her Daddy left to go back to work, how sad she was to miss this wonderful trip to Chattanooga and how much she had been looking forward to it and how much she would miss being on the bus with her friends. I had to come up with a plan or tomorrow would be a rough one.

Late last night, I made a trip to Walmart(sorry Mom, but I had to go). Previously I had purchased a gingerbread train making kit for all 4 kids to make. I decided I would buy a gingerbread house kit for Ally and, of course, would need one for Hayden. I am still skilled enough to get the boys to work on one together.

Now that you have the background, this morning I spent about 3 hours helping Ally make her house. Not one word was said about the trip . . . the entire day. I guess that means I created/implemented a successful plan for distraction? Or perhaps, I am just a big sucker!

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