Saturday, June 21, 2008

Boys Party.

Our wild week ended with a bang as we celebrated Caleb and Joshua's 2nd Birthday.  We invited everybody over for an afternoon cookout.  But first, Ben had to wash his truck.  I realized early Saturday morning that it was driving him crazy that his truck was sitting there, dirty.  I gave him 30 minutes ALONE, just him and his truck, to bond.  You might be wondering if 30 minutes was enough to wash his truck and my van.  No.  Guess which didn't get washed.  And yes, it took him more than his allotted time limit.  Back to the story.  We had a race car theme since the boys seem so drawn to cars and trucks.  I made the cakes.  They were race tracks with 2 little hot wheels racing around each.  Yes Dad they were giant eights, figure eights, and no, the little white candies were the lines in the road, not the cars.  The cars were the cars.  We had hotdogs, hamburgers and all the fixings, opened presents and ate cake.  It looked like Christmas with all the gifts, but they still fight over everything.  You'd think there would be plenty to play with . . . who was it that said they would share?  So our family has officially entered the terrible twos times two.  Pray for us.  Soon it will be potty training times two!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like a good time. Sorry I missed it.

Poppop Goode