Saturday, January 30, 2010

John's the big 3! (New and Improved Video!)

No surprise that the one place John wanted to be on his birthday was the Fire-station. It was a really cool tour and the kids loved the fire engines. Hayden and Erin were so "into the moment" they tried to crank one up. And we thought we only needed to keep our eyes on the little guys.

The party continued at Robin and Stephen's house with lunch, cake, ice cream and some rearranging of furniture! You just never know what you'll get when you have us over.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow day.

Well, we waited, and waited, and waited until we couldn't wait any longer. We had to get out in the snow even if it was only 1/4 of an inch. Thankfully the trampoline, slide and Trooper had enough snow to make some pretty good snowballs. The boys and I had a pretty good strategy of me distracting the girls and them stealing their snowballs.

We moved out front to make some driveway snow angels and a snow person. Thankfully we were able to "borrow" some of our neighbor's snow or he would have been a very vertically challenged little guy.

Different views.

Him: Hey, woman, when you gonna get in here and fold this laundry?

Her: I see him looking at it. Does he know what it is and what to do with it?

This is definitely not UPWARDS!

In order to make Hayden a more competitive basketball player, we have moved her to a recreation league. It is through Westminster and is for girls 12 and under. I've only seen 2 games so far since the boys and basketball don't mix right now. I don't know a whole lot about the game, but that doesn't keep me from hollering. Mostly I just yell, "Defense" or "Offense" with the occasional, "Get her Hayden!"

Boy howdy.

These aren't the sweet days of Upwards basketball anymore.

The last game was in Hazel Green. Let's just say they grow 'em big and mean. Elbows, cussing, staring down our fans and giving attitude to the refs were all the norm for these little sweeties.

I made sure I had backup in the parking lot.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Ringing in 2010 with lots of GIGGLING!

I tried to fight it. I hoped it would just go away. Surely, my counterpart would take my side.

Not so.

Hayden would have her New Year's Party.

I have to admit it was a lot of fun. Lots of giggling, snacking, games, more giggling, party hats, food, more giggling, loud poppers, more giggling and some very sleepy girls the next morning.