Thursday, December 31, 2009

The audition.

I like taking Ally to auditions. Partly because I like watching her show her true self and how uninhibited she can be. The other reason is because I love watching "theater" families.

Last nights audition for "Mulan Jr." was no exception. And I have a witness this time. I won't mention her name here, but she can verify what I'm about to tell you is true and accurate. She didn't get to see it all, but what she did see was enough. Right Julia?

The audition was at a small theater known for their musicals. It is a children's musical, so there were lots of kids ranging from 5 to 17. They grouped the kids into 3 groups: young, middle and older. Ally was in the younger group of 5 year olds to 7 year olds. They were all called up front and the student director randomly drew their names. Ally was first. She sang her song and then chose to do something "spontaneous" with the director. I know that I am prejudiced, but she did great. We are not singers. However, she was smiley and showed a lot of character for her age.

Within her group was a little girl that I think was 5. She gave her music to the pianist and prepared to sing. The pianist started and the little girl stood there. "Is this the wrong speed?" asked the pianist. The mother stood up, shook her head disapprovingly, and booted the pianist off the piano. "Let me just play it for her." Ok lady, you've got my attention. The little girl sang her song and did something next. I can't really recall because I was trying to remember if this was the same lady that was in that Lifetime show about the cheerleader thing in Texas. You know the one where the Mother was jealous that the other girl got on the squad and her daughter didn't so she killed the other girl. Something like that . I don't watch that channel, I just remember some commercial about it.

After all the little kids finished they were sent to the back room to learn a dance. The director made the statement that the girl teaching the dance could use one Mom back there to help with crowd control. Guess who jumped up. Well I've gotta see this. So I jumped up too.

Once back in the room the girl started teaching and the Momma started dancing. She was learning it too. After a couple of run thru's, the Momma wanted some clarification on some of the moves. Was it the right foot first or left? Do you punch on Queen or dancing? Do you lean over 45 degrees or 52 degrees? Then she proceeded to correct her daughter. Did I mention her daughter was 5? They had all of 5 minutes to learn it. They had to wait 20 minutes to perform it. They are nervous too. I'm just guessing here, but all they can possibly hope for is a little rhythm and for the kids to not fall on their faces.

The kids finally went up to perform and all went well. I know there were 2 disappointed people in the crowd. Me, because I really wanted her to jump up and dance with her kid and her, because I know deep down she really wanted to jump up and dance with her kid.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Don't mess with me and my trash.

I love a lot of things. My camera is one of them. As I have admitted to my small "counseling" group that I meet with once a week at various restaurants, I have, in the past, used my camera to give proof to the things in life only pictures can prove. Yes. I have ducked down behind the steering wheel in car rider line and snapped a shot of people and activities I find humorous. It's all about sharing. I want to share with others those things I find funny.

Along with that, I want to share with others those things I don't think are very funny at all. I've become one of those people and I really don't care.

Case in point: my street after "Christmas" garbage pick up. It has become a tradition for us and a family down the street to race to our "vacationing in Florida" neighbors trash can and cram it as full as possible with all our Christmas boxes, wrap and Barbie twist ties. It was perhaps a little too full since it was as tall as Ben. However, I'm not sure how you manage to dump trash on the ground of 4 out of 5 cans on our street?

Never fear! We sent this little picture to our sanitation department and county commissioner. They were out within an hour to check it out. Unfortunately, one member of our family was worried what the neighbors would think and cleaned it up prior to the visit.

Ok, so maybe I do care that I raised a stink.

Can't wait to see what our garbage man does with us next week!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Our Christmas

I love Christmas. I love to buy stuff for my kids and see them light up with excitement. I was a little worried this year since it seems like the older they get, the more expensive the items on their list get. Therefore, the fewer items they get. Also, the one item that Hayden really, really wanted was really, really wanted by half the planet and we did not procure one.

I must say the kids were really excited about their gifts. Well, maybe not Ally with the clothes. I was surprised to see that the boys didn't really care for the talking truck, but were so excited to get foam swords and shields. So much for the toy of the year award.

Here are the before and after pictures from the morning. And yes, we are having cake for breakfast. It was a Birthday cake for Jesus with exactly four candles. Do I really need to explain?

Who doesn't smile when there's cake for breakfast?

Hayden's loot

Ally's loot(except the dog)

Caleb and Joshua's loot


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Shopping with my sweetie.

Better late than never.

Ben and I have been trying to find time to go out together and shop for the kids. Much to my chagrin, we have done a lot of divide and conquer. He did the books, Bibles and devotionals and I did, well, everything else. I'm not complaining. I love searching for the best deal. I'm not above buying it and then returning to the store if it goes on sale. I've been known to get other family members involved in my price haggling. I'm also an internet researcher. Do you know how many deals there are at Target online?

I'll get back on track. We finally decided to get a kid sitter and spend most of Tuesday shopping. A couple of nights before our shopping trip, we laid out all the purchases and tried to figure out what was left. We also started wrapping. And by we, I mean me. Ben started releasing Barbies and trucks from their secure wrapping. Our plan was to 1. Not stay up until 2 am wrapping Christmas Eve and 2. Get the most of our neighbors trash can. Success on both parts by the way. After analyzing our purchase, we discover that what is missing is clothing. Ben's favorite.

I will say he did really well on our trip. I eased him in slowly with a trip to Target to purchase a Venti coffee and some cars for the boys. Then we hit Bridge Street. A trip to Old Navy and Justice and we finished in time to grab some lunch.

What we did after lunch will shock the world. Are you sitting down?

We took the Big Blue Truck through the Goo Goo car wash.

Still there?

I even cleaned the car mats and vacuumed my side.

I win the wife award for sure.

Friday, December 18, 2009

You snooze, you loose.

Colonial Christmas

Whew. We made it. In fifth grade at Westminster, the last week of school before Christmas break is a big deal. It is Colonial Christmas. You don't really get an idea of how big a deal until you've been through it. I'll be better prepared for Ally's turn . . . maybe.

They start in November by selecting an occupation and begin the process of gathering information for a "research" paper. They also draw names to see for whom they will be making a home made colonial gift. Of course you also have to make "tools" of the trade to display during your presentation to the class and then again, to the entire school. And if you are going to be the part, you also must look the part. One colonial school teacher dress coming up.

Closer to the date, the parents are sent home a list of foods needed for the lunch and ways to either help or provide supplies for the activities. I needed a colonial bread and would be sending in supplies to decorate gingerbread people. Easy enough.

The week before the big event, Hayden did her research and wrote her paper. A couple of proofs later, she finished the paper and was ready to make her tools. And the dress was in process. Her teacher sent an email out soliciting more help. Sure, I can make 2 dozen gingerbread people.

Thankfully, the dress was completed on the morning of her oral presentation. Next up the gingerbread people. Oh, by the way, nobody else wanted to mess with the cookies, could I just make all 4 dozen. My exact reply: "What's 24 more? Sure."

By Friday, I was strung out on ground ginger and we had barely finished the sleeping cap for her gift. However, Hayden did a fantastic job with her paper, her tools and her presentation. It was worth all the sweat, sleepless nights and poked fingers to see her smile in her dress!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Our Christmas Beast

I love going to cut down our Christmas tree. I've rubbed off on Ben, and now he loves to go cut down the tree. The kids, well, they tolerate our insanity.

This year we were directed to a new section of trees with long needles that would be tall enough for us.

I think we overdid it.

. . . But it looked so small out in the open.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Oooooohhhh, I'm tellin'

Sadie is gonna be in BIG trouble when Caleb sees this!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The weather outside is frightful . . .

Well, not really. It was so pretty to have a light dusting of snow. The boys were super excited and just had to get outside. They stayed all of 15 minutes.

And where are the girls, you ask?

Still in bed. This all happened at about 6:30 AM on a Saturday morning.

Friday, December 4, 2009

I'm a sucker . . . but I do have my limits.

I'm sure you are wondering what happened when Hayden arrived home.

"Well everybody else got to make their gingerbread creations, what about me. I know I have a big social studies test. Yes, I have math homework. My catechism and memory verse test is tomorrow. Spelling too. She was sick. She should have stayed in bed. I have to stay in bed when I'm sick. It was just a stupid trip to the Aquarium. She's been there before. You didn't do anything special for me when my Montgomery trip was canceled last year"

I decided that she probably wasn't in the best "creative" mood and directed her towards her school work. Field trip or not, she had to wait until today.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm a sucker for . . . my kids!

Upon the boys arrival home from school, they noticed a "new" decoration up on the mantel. Yep, you got it - Ally's beautifully decorated gingerbread house. Of course this must mean it is time for them to make their train. Well, why not?They didn't get to go on a field trip today either.

I'm a sucker for a sick kid . . . that has to miss a field trip.

Ally has bronchitis. Ben took her to the doctor yesterday(thanks honey)! After the doctor made his diagnosis, he explained that she could return to school tomorrow, as long as, she didn't have a fever. He also just happened to mention that she shouldn't travel out of town. Hmm. How 'bout that $10 field trip to Chattanooga tomorrow. Nope, not a good idea.

Ben explained it all to Ally over pizza buffet before he brought her home. She seemed ok with the whole thing. Now I'm not saying she played me, however, there was some mention once her Daddy left to go back to work, how sad she was to miss this wonderful trip to Chattanooga and how much she had been looking forward to it and how much she would miss being on the bus with her friends. I had to come up with a plan or tomorrow would be a rough one.

Late last night, I made a trip to Walmart(sorry Mom, but I had to go). Previously I had purchased a gingerbread train making kit for all 4 kids to make. I decided I would buy a gingerbread house kit for Ally and, of course, would need one for Hayden. I am still skilled enough to get the boys to work on one together.

Now that you have the background, this morning I spent about 3 hours helping Ally make her house. Not one word was said about the trip . . . the entire day. I guess that means I created/implemented a successful plan for distraction? Or perhaps, I am just a big sucker!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Santa's Village

After Jackie's birthday dinner, we took the kids to Santa's Village. Hayden and Ben were in Nashville for a basketball game and Robin's family had things to do.

It was a good night to go and I think everybody had a good time. Oh, and I almost forgot, the boys actually stood by Santa . . . but they did not smile about it.

And neither did Santa!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Another black friday has come and gone.

Not too much to report from this year's outing. Here are the highlights:

  • Met for breakfast at 7:30.
  • Got to see Jackie make a quick exit at Game Stop.
  • Shopped at Target.
  • Got to see everyone else's expression when Dad announced his potty issue.
  • Shopped at Hobby Lobby.
  • Shopped at the mall.
  • Tried to get Dad to go to Burger King(recall last year), but he wanted a REAL burger.
  • Took an hour long lunch break - but I did not eat a burger. (Love you Ben!)
  • Experienced Dad's Toy's R Us gas problem. ( Like Pavlov's dog)
  • Went solo to South Target.
  • Returned to car with gas leaking out of it.
  • Stood around waiting for someone to "flick" a cigarette out and catch my van on fire.
  • Waited with Mom and Nanny for the tow truck driver to finish watching the game.
  • Had my car fixed and was on my way home around 6:00.
  • Thanked my husband for taking care of the kids and the car issue and went to bed.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A word from flower plucking star dancer.

Our Thanksgiving festivities kicked in as soon as we crossed the finish line. Our annual trip to Walmart for items I had forgotten, watching the parade, finishing cooking / icing my dishes and loading up to head to Nina's. The girls were a big help with all the food.

Dinner was yummy. Ben said I did good at my first attempt at dressing. The cranberry relish was good(anything with that much sugar should be!), but my sweet potato balls were a little scary. Of course, everything else was great. I love Thanksgiving food.

After we stuffed ourselves, we moved the party downstairs for a performance. Hayden had worked really hard writing, directing and producing the Thanksgiving story. She even had typed scripts and cast lists. The grand finale was the reading of our Indian names. She even included the dogs.

We moved back upstairs for dessert. But wait, don't eat that yet, we need to get a family picture. Come on 3 year olds, move away from the ice cream and sprinkles. Next year I think Pop Pop needs to run in the Turkey Trot with us - his sprint from the camera to the group was fantastic. I believe it even had Ally doubled over laughing in one picture.

Back to dessert. The chocolate pie went fast. The coconut cake was also a big hit. So big, in fact, that Ben tweeted about it. The pumpkin pie, yum, I about had it all to myself!

We ended the day with a gameplan for Black Friday and retreated to our homes to rest up. However, there were 3 nuts up at midnight already looking for deals. I guess the others are wimps!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A stroll on the UAH campus.

Previously, I've explained my addiction to 5k runs. It's all about the shirt . . . and of course the bonding. Thanksgiving day I like to participate in the turkey trot. It is sponsored by Helpline and takes place on the UAH campus. The starting line is right in front of the building where Ben and I met for the first time. But I digress.

Last year it was Hayden and me. This year we included Ally. Notice I didn't say "invited" but "included". I apparently overstepped my enthusiasm boundary by not asking her first. In my defense, I told her that morning, she did not have to participate . . . and she could still have the shirt. Oh, alright, I'll do it she clearly said moments before the race. And so it began.

Just seconds into the race, Hayden left us. Something about moving at a snail's pace and her sister complaining turned her off to the mother/daughter bonding experience and made her run as fast as she could to get as far as she could in front of us. By mile 0.2, Ally was done. If I had seen Ben, she would have been ejected from the race. No it wasn't until mile 2.5 that we saw Ben and the boys and by that point I was bound and determined to make her finish this race.

I finally got her to move it along when I told her I would race her to the finish. If she won, I would do her chores for a week, if I won, she would clean the living room each night for a week. She crossed the line first. I was just so glad we finally finished.

Our time, an astounding 50 minutes and 50 seconds. Do you see the trend? I'm getting slower! We did, however, beat the time of the bulldog in the stroller.

Go Hayden Go!

What a nice day for a stroll!

Look at us go!

Somebody doesn't look happy!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

No they don't need a nap.

The living room got really quiet. I walked in to see if everybody was still breathing. Guess I was wrong. Ben, they did need a nap.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Getting passed.

Drop off for preschool just isn't the same. In the olden days, you would pull up to the door and the teachers would unbuckle and drag your child to their classroom. Now, we have to park, unbuckle, gather our gear, wrestle kids out, dodge cars across the parking lot, walk in, maneuver up the stairs, get to the classroom and spend 15 minutes convincing the boys that their teacher can flatten play-doh as well as I can. Nothing really stressful until the convincing part.

Today, the stairwell became another "stress-zone" for me. I get it. The boys are slow, not because they aren't familiar with stairs, they are lingering in the stairwell for extra bonding time with me. I am slow, not because I want to be, but I am following 2 lingering boys and I have 2 backpacks. There was a Momma today that didn't care what my issues were, she wanted up the stairs. After bumping me in the rear with her son's backpack several times, I asked if she wanted to pass. Affirmative. The boys and I huddled against the railing while she hustled her son up the stairs. One of my favorite people at Mt. Zion made a face and I could tell she was thinking the same thing as me. "Take it easy, lady. I know your freedom is minutes away, but really? Really?" Another friend, laughed and joked that I got passed. No kidding. Not like it's my first time.

After delivering the boys to their teacher, I had to show out. It further encouraged my immature behavior that my friends were still laughing and the stairs were empty. At first I hogged the stairs, then I decided to walk as close to the wall as possible. Imagine a mix between Spiderman and spastic Mommy. Everybody thought it was funny until a high school friend's husband entered the stair well. I no longer thought that it was funny, more embarrassing. My friends . . . no longer funny either. Hysterical.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Leaves and lights.

Ben was home Friday so I enlisted him and the boys in "Operation Leaf Cleanup". The boys had the best 2 jobs: jump in my nice, neat piles of leaves and drive the bags to the road. Ben worked really hard and I treated him to lunch: pizza and hotdogs at Sams.

Later that evening, we attempted the Botanical Gardens' Member Walk Thru Galaxy of Lights. If you recall, we made an attempt 2 years ago and failed. We didn't even try it last year. This year we managed to drag it out from start to almost close, watch Nina out sprint other families to get a wagon, witness DRS's continued theme for the year(ask Ben), enjoy hot chocolate and snicker-doodle cookies, listen to complaints about walking, wait in line for 20 minutes for 1 of 4 to sit in Santa's lap and continue our healthy lifestyle with fast food at 9 o'clock at night.
Wouldn't you consider it a success?

The Goodes make the paper . . . again.

We've done it again. This time the scrapbook section where activities from schools in the area are highlighted. It was really a fun day and Ally got a big kick out of the safety glasses.

Busted: an explanation.

I was apologizing to my dearest for hitting a curb in his truck. It wouldn't have been so bad if the boys hadn't been the ones to notice the white "scuff" on the tire. Of course, they had to ask him what it was and why it was there. Thus, leading to the interrogation and my need for sarcasm.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Let us entertain you.

You know we can.

Take last night for example: open fly, speech from outer space(about aliens, I think), raw chicken, food hoarding, child about to throw up, 3 year old determined to stab himself in the throat with a toothpick, a cake with no candles, 1 waitress impostor and a really, really smoky ambiance.

We have a picture to prove it:

Next performance: November 29.

Monday, November 9, 2009


I am so sorry. Very, very sorry. It was clearly my fault. Can I ever make it up to you? Will you ever forgive me? Please, please? I won't do it again. I know you are very protective. It was really sweet for you to trust me with it. You would think since I'm older than you, I would have more experience and know better. I just can't be trusted with it ever again. Really, you don't have to let me. I'll go back tomorrow and do it to mine. Then, I'll turn around and do it to the other side too, just for good measure. Will that make it a little better?

Ok, enough. Really? I mean, really?

Just wait till I take it out on Black Friday.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I found this great stick.

I really don't like Halloween . . . except for the challenge of making costumes. Ally was my big project this year. She was inspired by a fabulous stick she found in our yard. "It would make the perfect bow!" she said repeatedly. Who else needs a bow, except Robin Hood. Ever noticed the costumes for Robin Hood? Yep, hard to come by unless your setting your daughter up for strip tease work in the future. I was ready for the challenge. In just 1 short week(thanks Ben), 1 XL men's green sweatshirt, brown tights, brown belt, felt hat and feather, and one purchased bow and arrow transformed into the cutest little Robin Hood. Are you wondering where the perfect stick for her bow went? I have no clue.

Hayden was very cute too. She has a book report and Colonial Christmas coming up. We searched high and low for either a Sacajawea or Colonial outfit. Sacajawea it was.

The boys have been saying they wanted to be policemen. I was a little concerned they really wanted superman or spiderman. But, they always came back to policemen. My favorite Halloween costume store just happened to be sold out of our pick. Luckily(for Ben), Toys R Us had 2 Imaginarium dress up policeman. Saved $10 and they will probably last longer. I do need to show them the benefit of having handcuffs and sisters.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Annual trip to Tate Farms.

We almost didn't make it. Between Ben's trips out of town and the rain, Tate Farms just about missed out on us. We had a great time until the end. Tempers flared and our photo at the pumpkin house is minus one kid.

Aren't you sorry you didn't go with us?

Of course, a funny. We had finally arrived at the point where we needed to go and pick our pumpkins. We loaded in the wagon with a couple other "groups" and headed out to the fields. Once there, we all unloaded, wondered around looking for the most challenging pumpkins for Ben to carve and loaded back up. On our ride back, a worker from Tate Farms stopped us and asked if "Henry" was on our wagon. We all looked around and said no. This lady on the end of the wagon looked at Ben and asked if that little boy sitting next to him was his. Nope. It was Henry.

See, we really don't notice any additional kids thrown in the mix.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Totally inappropriate.

Ally spent the night at Anna's last night. Anna's Mom took them to the mall to buy friendship bracelets and to stop in a couple of stores. They did the bracelet thing and headed to the next store; Victoria's Secret. She ran in to exchange a bra. Didn't look around for nighties, didn't pick up a pair of thongs, just grabbed the correct size, did the exchange and left. Upon exiting the store, Ally vocalized her feelings:

"That was totally inappropriate."

Her Mother called me this morning to apologize for corrupting my daughter.

My name is Steve.

Setting: Chick Fil A playground
Characters: Caleb, Joshua, 2 year old little girl
Time: before lunch

As the scene opens, Mother of Caleb and Joshua is sitting in play area. Little girl's Mother has exited to order her food. All three children are in the climbing thing.

Little girl: Let's play a game. Hide and Seek. You count to 12.

Caleb and Joshua: (silence)

Little girl: Count so I can hide.

Caleb and Joshua: (silence)

All three children race down the slide and climb back up to the top.

Little girl: What is your name?

Caleb or Joshua: Ummmm

Little girl: What is your name?

Caleb or Joshua: Steve

Scene ends as Mother retrieves little girl and the boys continue to play. Mother of Caleb and Joshua feels proud that her sweet, innocent little boys didn't fall for the little girl's brazen ways.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

WANTED: Toys for Christmas.

My poor children. Nothing to play with except dirty laundry.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A trip to the park.

Ben , the girls and I went to see Fantasy Playhouse's Alice in Wonderland Sunday afternoon. I've never liked the movie and the play was very strange. However, our little actress can do a pretty good Cheshire cat. One of Ally's friends from Helen was supposed to assistant direct, but due to a family emergency she had to fill in as Tweedledum. After the show, Ally very selectively got her program autographed. Ms. Samantha signed "-dum (heart) ". Unfortunately, her heart looked like an A to Ally and she wanted to know why she signed her program "dum A". I don't think Ally knows what that can mean, but it was so funny her asking.

While we were at the play, the boys stayed with Nina, Pop Pop Ed, Jackie, Mark and Griffin. The park will never be the same. Here's a slideshow of the action:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009