Saturday, March 27, 2010

The sleepover.

What has sixteen legs, giggles hysterically, likes High School Musical and karaoke and slides down stairs in a sleeping bag?

Eight 8 year old girls at a spend the night birthday party.

So, Ally wanted a sleepover and I agreed. I spent the week making invitations, sewing eye masks and pillowcases and cleaning. Ally wanted a cookie cake and make your own pizzas. Easy enough. She invited 10 girls - 1 no, 2 got sick at school and didn't make it, 2 couldn't spend the night and 1 got homesick. Everybody got along pretty well and seemed to have a great time. Activities included sliding down the stairs in sleeping bags, making pizzas, watching High School Musical 3, drawing on pillowcases, eating cake and ice cream, opening presents, playing with Aqua Sand, playing some game in the dark upstairs, going to sleep really late, waking up really early, eating pancakes and playing outside.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Gardens.

Ben's workation came to an end and we abruptly thrust him into family bonding. Friday afternoon we spent some quality family time at the Botanical Gardens. The weather was perfect and all of Huntsville agreed the best place to be was climbing tree houses.

I'm happy to say we all survived and we even got to see some friends along the way. Especially one of my favorite people in the world(other than family!) - Sara Jane Tarter. She was my 2nd grade and 5th grade teacher. Best teacher in the world and sweetest lady ever. Also saw Hayden's teacher. She will be working at the Garden's next year. It is a wonderful opportunity for her, but I hate to see her leave WCA. It is amazing that neither has children, yet they both have the gift to teach.

I digress. After spending a couple of hours in the great outdoors, we continued our family time with Pizza buffet. Ben got to say good bye to his buddy who is moving to Colorado. I think we might still be there if it hadn't been for our kids trying to turn cartwheels in the booth.

Our big night ended with some wrestling, baths and bed. Sam's would have to wait until Saturday.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Deep sea fishing or flat tire?

Ben was on another "workation" this week. This week just happened to be Spring Break. And where did the poor soul have to spend his time? West Palm Beach. I know. Just awful. His accommodations were, however, slightly under "par" as his room looked out over the driving range and not the golf course at the PGA National Resort and Spa.

And that gift certificate to the spa he received upon arrival was barely enough to cover a bikini wax. You'll have to ask him about that.

So I suppose you might be asking what little goodies did they have for him at this Leadership conference? Just a Kindle. You know the little book reading thing that costs a couple hundred dollars.

And who do you suppose was the entertainment for the big dinner? Dennis Miller . . . the comedian.

I'm not jealous. My accommodations for the week looked out over grass too. I don't intend on wearing a bikini so I don't need a gift certificate to a spa. I really don't like to read so a Kindle would be useless. And I don't think I possess the manners or ability to stay up late for a fancy dinner anymore. So it really wouldn't be that great a trip for me. However. I must admit his "outing" was much more fun than mine(even if I do get seasick).

His consisted of a nice leisurely afternoon of deep sea fishing. Blue waters and a big catch.

Mine consisted of a frantic afternoon with a flat tire. Blue tears and a big nail.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The zoo was a zoo.

Really. Half price Tuesday of Spring Break. I'm just so glad we blended in with all the other crazy families. It was a really fun day even if most of the animals were too cold to come out.

The monkeys were our favorite. Got some good close ups to reinforce Hayden's current science study of body parts and their functions.

It was good to be outside and laugh.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I am going to be in BIG trouble!

The truth is out. We have no "boy" toys in our house. No cars. No trucks. No spiderman. Nothing. The poor little guys have to play with Ally's American girl doll.

In a rush to get the dolls put back, I misplaced her tights. Don't tell Ally.