Friday, May 2, 2008

Body Art

Well one of my greatest fears of having boys has finally happened.  We had to get stitches.  Not really what I had intended for today, but when I saw our pediatrician at Chick-Fil-A I just had a feeling we were in for something.  We should have left when he did!! The boys were playing in the playground having a good time.  Caleb went running toward the slide and hit his head on the edge of it.  When I picked him up all I could see was blood.  I grabbed him and asked a young girl(who I believe had a divine appointment to be there even if she was skipping school) to help me get Joshua.  She carried him to the car and fastened him in while I got Caleb under control and in his seat.  At the pediatrician's office the nurse broke the news to me that stitches were probably coming.  Dr. Cartwright wanted to know if the cow got us.  I really appreciate how calming he and his nurse were for me.  We are at home now, not because Caleb is upset or acting "hurt" but because Mommy needs a safe place to be in for a while.  I praise God that he watched over me in every step I took this morning and placed the right people in my path to help me.  I would not have made it through this without Him.  Especially with Ben out of town!!!  I'm also glad I had a host of people I could call to help, but especially my sister, Robin, who I did call.  I'm sorry you didn't have a chance to dry your hair or put makeup on . . . we won't go to Chick-Fil-A this early anymore!  Well I'm sure this is just one of many trips to the Doctor for "body art" but I need a little time before the next one!

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