Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A truck funny.

Ben went the gym early this morning then went to work.  He forgot his belt. The kids and I, on our way to the pool, delivered the missing article of clothing and lunch.  I thought it would be interesting to see where "IT" is parked.  I think we can cancel his membership at the gym.  You guessed it, back of the lot, next to another big truck with enough room for both to enter and exit with doors wide open, slightly under a tree but not too under to the tree to get tree "stuff" or bird "stuff", and backed in.  I love my husband and I am really glad that God has provided us the opportunity to get his truck.  However, I hope he knows that I will not be parking at the very back of a parking lot nor will I be backing the big daddy in.  I will try to be particular in who I park next to and I promise not to park next to the cart return.  I can't guarantee anything else.

By the way, to the relative(CJG) who thought I might have too much time on my hands since I can write short novels.  Let it be known that while I am typing this, I am tending to a stomach ache, listening for two napping boys who are not napping, but are on the floor playing and could possibly get tangled up in a "bitefest" at any time and building a lego house.  And what did you do today?

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