Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Black Friday

I love to go out into the madness on Black Friday.  I'm not typically "after" anything in particular, I just like the craziness of finding stuff.  Plus, since Ben has absolutely NO desire to have anything to do with it, he is willing to stay home with the kids while I save us money.  My sister Robin(whom I've written about several times cause she is so news worthy!) invited Mom and Dad to join us for breakfast. We never thought Dad would show up.  However, he was there, Mom, being an early bird, was there, and of course, Robin and I were late.  I was just late.  Robin had already been shopping and was held up waiting in line.  After a little nourishment, Mom headed for Nashville(she's already been through Huntsville, she was on to new territory!)  and we headed to Game Stop.  After being in the very small store for an hour, we all walked away with a purchase.  We put our packages in the car and headed for Dick's and Target.  Again, success in both stores.  We returned to our cars and set out for Toys R Us.  A little side note: My Father is very particular in what he eats.  Fast food is almost always out of the question, unless he gets a wild hair.  Another side note:  Robin and I cherish any free time to shop without little helpers.  Back to the story.  We were headed to Toys R Us with Dad driving.  The Target shopping area is a zoo.  I suggested he drive around behind the stores and out through Research Park.  He eyes Burger King.  Hey, how about a drink?  Sure, I'm a little parched.  He pulls in and parks.  Wait a minute, what's wrong with the drive-thru?  Of course, I question what's going on.  He explains and I verify, "You want to go in and sit down to drink a coke?"  Hmmm.  Does he realize we are losing valuable shopping time?  Once inside, he decides a whopper sounds good.  Who are you and what did you do with my Father?  Not only are we at Burger King, it is only 10:45.  I'm guessing the looks on our faces pretty much showed our disapproval and he settled for a coke.  SEVERAL minutes later, we move on .  Toys R Us is a mess.  People with small children and carts everywhere.  Again, we are able to find stuff to buy.  We head out to K-mart.  As we are entering the store, this very scary, but short man and child push their way in front of us.  Dad makes a comment about him and his general rudeness in a louder than I would like tone.  I don't think he realizes that if this guy turns to fight, I'm out of there.  I'm a "flight" kind of person in these situations.  We again make some purchases and leave.  Dad is officially hungry.  We head down to Surin and have lunch.  We return to our cars and our families.  Another successful Black Friday Shopping day.  Next year maybe Mom and Jackie will join us after reading about all our fun!  Besides, we could use some backup if Dad is going to continue to voice his opinion about other shoppers.  

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