Saturday, December 11, 2010

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, what crazy drama you cause me.

Ah, yes.   Time again for our big Christmas tree search.  It only took us 2 tries this year.  We loaded up ever so slowly one afternoon and after a 35 minute car ride, got there 10 minutes before closing.  You know the looks you get from salespeople when you run in a store at a little before closing?  Yep, we got those.  So, we turned around and headed home.  The whole ride home I toyed with the idea of suggesting we head to Lowe's and be done with it.  I just couldn't do it.  Why would I want to strip myself of the joys of another family bonding experience.

Today we made our second trip and I am happy to announce we are the proud owners of a Christmas tree. We even took it to another level by including the dog.  Since I know you are just dying for a visual, here goes:  it is raining, we have walked miles to find a tree we can all agree on, the dog has tried to run off to join other families, 2 or more of the children are hollering for Sadie, I am screaming at the dog to get back here so the children will be quiet, Ben is the only one that can summon the dog and get her to respond, 3 in our group "peed on the property",  due to the stress of losing Sadie and finding a tree, Hayden has retreated to the truck, Ally and I are trying to "one-up" each other in finding the perfect tree and the boys are trying to pole vault with the 12 foot measuring stick.  I don't understand why more families don't cut down their trees!

 All smiles to start with!

 This is my favorite picture.

 Doesn't it look like he's trying to pole vault?

 See: it's raining and she's in the truck.

 Ally and the boys were trying to give Ben a
break by dragging the tree to the truck themselves.


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